The POOR CHOICES play at Monty's Showroom with DURBAN POISON on Sunday, March 20th.
Speaking of DURBAN POISON...they have a new CD out now, with a new 7" out any time now. The new CD's called "Lost In Space" and carries on where the first CD left fact it was recorded at the same sessions that prodeuced the first CD and 7". Solid CD all the way through...more Ramones infkuenced punk with a little 70's, New York, glam snarl. Come down to TALK'S CHEAP and pick up a copy!
...and remember to check 'em out with the POOR CHOICES at Monty's on the 20th, or opening for THE JOLTS at Logan's on April 15th.
OPEN RELATIONSHIP have been playing out quite a bit. Still one of my fave bands going in Victoria. They've got a second demo tape available (available at TALK'S CHEAP)...and I gotta say it sounds alot better than the first one. It's still recorded super lo-fi, but it's amazing what mic placement will do. Tape 2 has some rerecorded tracks from the first tape, a couple new ones and a cover of AGENT ORANGE'S "Bloodstains". It's juvenile, girl punk...and it rules!
Check out OPEN RELATIONSHIP at the V-Lounge on March 10th and at Logan's on March 18th with B.A. JOHNSON.